The way Open Innovation crowdsourcing platforms work is rather simple, at least in principle: they help companies to match a problem or a need to an existing solution or to somebody able to solve the problem. Underlying requirements are (i) a large pool of problems, (ii) a large pool of solvers[1] and (iii) a good matching algorithm or process. In addition, the lubricant for all that to work is trust, which here means careful management of confidentiality and intellectual property. However, behind this simple idea, a lot of theoretical and practical difficulties have emerged from a decade of experimentations.

The 3 upcoming articles on detail these points:

[1] Solver: person or organization who has registered on the intermediary website and who wish to try to provide solutions.

The present article is after the chapter we wrote in the book “A Guide to Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing: A Compendium of Best Practice, Advice and Case Studies from Leading Thinkers, Commentators and Practitioners“.